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NHGRI Division of Intramural Research
Hydra 2.0 Genome Project Portal
Databases Available for Hydra 2.0 BLAST
Nucleotide Databases
- Augustus Gene Models
- A BLAST database consisting of 36,059 Hydra 2.0 Augustus gene predictions models.
- Hydra 2.0 Genome
- A BLAST database containing all 5,525 Hydra 2.0 genomic scaffolds.
- Juliano Trinity (JT)
- A BLAST database of assembled Hydra transcripts. Hydra RNA-seq reads from Juliano et al. 2015 (PNAS) were assembled using Trinity into 46,543 transcripts.
- Juliano aepLRv2
- A BLAST database containing 38,749 transcripts from the low redundancy transcriptome assembly for Hydra vulgaris AEP.
- Petersen Trinity (PT)
- A BLAST database of assembled Hydra transcripts. Hydra RNA-seq reads from Petersen et al. 2015 (Molecular Biology and Evolution) from time points 0-12 hours were assembled, using Trinity into a de novo transcriptome consisting of 36,338 transcripts.
Protein Databases
- Augustus Protein Models
- A BLAST database of 36,059 translated proteins derived from the Hydra 2.0 Augustus gene prediction models..